Cabin Counselor
King was selected to work as a Cabin Counselor. This meant living with campers of different ages and being a mentor and guide throughout their time at Blue Lake. These cabins provided living for up to 6 campers over the summer compared to a normal year of 12 due to COVID-19.
"Going at first was scary to get out of the state and travel alone for the first time in my life. At first, I didn't want to stay. I was uncomfortable and longed for my people back in Arkansas. This turned out to be one of the best summer experiences in my life! I learned so much about myself and about others from different places around the country. I was able to connect with other musicians and have a common ground for conversations. I got to work with awesome kids from middle school to high school and they sure do know how to have fun."
"I got to work alongside other music majors and professors from all of over the country! Observing these different professors and their teaching styles brought me so much excitement for when I could one day have a classroom! I plan on bringing back what I learned and applying it to my own classroom to give students the best education I can."
Summer 2021
King worked with students ages 12-17 as they spent 12 days of their summer taking classes, playing games, and living in the middle of the woods. This team of counselors served as the Broadway Unit and worked together to provide a fun and eventful summer for campers coming through Blue Lake.
While working as a counselor, King was selected to perform in the SATB Octet while at Blue Lake. This was ensemble was filled with other counselors and higher staff to perform for each session of campers. There was a large variety of repertoire that had to be learned in a short amount of time and these musicians were up to the task.